Våre kjerneverdier

Våre kjerneverdier


Våre kunder skal føle seg trygge når de bruker X-Noise. Det innebærer at vi alltid skal opptre med god forretningsskikk, være ansvarlige, kompetente, nyskapende og ha et høyt service- og kunnskapsnivå. 


Vi bruker kunnskap, vilje, evne og erfaring for å vinne anerkjennelse som ledende aktør innen støyreduserende løsninger og måling av støy.


Vi skal være nyskapende, fleksible og hele tiden forbedre oss der vi skaper verdier for kunden og samfunnet gjennom bærekraftige og effektive løsninger.


Når du tar kontakt med oss kan du forvente personlig imøtekommenhet og bli godt tatt vare på. Vi skal alltid ta utgangspunkt i kundens behov og forutsetninger for å kunne bistå kunden på best mulig måte.

Etikk og bærekraft i X-Noise

Etisk standard:

X-Noise skal være et selskap med høy etisk standard. Vi skal respektere lover og retingslinjer som gjelder for vår bedrift, vi skal fremme likeverd, menneskerettigheter og rettferdig behandling.


Åpenhet og rettferdighet skal prege virksomheten og være grunnlaget for tillit mellom kolleger, kunder, leverandører og andre.


I X-Noise jobber vi hver dag for at vår innvirkning på miljøet skal gjøre så liten skade som mulig. Gjennom våre tjenester og produkter bidrar vi til et bedre arbeidsmiljø. Trygg og ansvarlig drift, gode mål i våre miljøpolicyer og holdningskapende samtaler og tiltak er viktig for oss. 


Menneskene som jobber i X-Noise er selskapets viktigste . Vi forplikter oss til hele tiden å jobbe for at våre ansatte ikke skader seg på jobb, at vi har et trivelig, utviklende og inkluderende arbeidsmiljø.


Our HSEQ principles are well grounded in our long-term strategies

X-Noise, as part of the Slåttland Group development and operation, shall at all times follow the current laws, regulations, and quality systems. X-noise shall be a company with high ethical standards. Openness and fairness should characterize the company`s business and be the basis of trust between colleagues, customers, suppliers, and others. The people who work in the X-noise are the company`s most important resource.

Sustainability goals  

  • Gender Equality and Decent work and Economic growth 

Our employees have decent salaries and working conditions, and we evaluate our suppliers. All employees and others who come into contact with our employees will be treated with respect regardless of position, religion, age, colour, sex, language, political conviction, family status, sexual orientation, etc. 

  • Clean water and sanitation  

Slåttland has supported local water projects in Vietnam. 

  • Affordable and clean energy,  Climate action, Life below water and  life on land 

By using our knowledge, expertise and production capacity to build pilot plants, small-scale CCS plants, hydrogen plants, we work actively to achieve the sustainability goals 

  • Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation  

Together with other players, we contribute to innovation and industrialization that benefits society 

  • Responsible consumption and production  

Our production is IS0 14001:2015 certified and we work continuously to reduce waste and emissions. All steel that is not used in production is recycled. 


Ethical guidelines and values

X-noise will be a safe workplace for all employees where the focus is an open dialogue between employees at all levels.

All employees and others who come in contact with employees will be treated with respect regardless of position, religion, age, color, sex, language, political conviction, family status, sexual orientation, etc.


Our employees are our greatest resource.

With good knowledge and comprehensive experience, we are able to create lasting values with our customers and suppliers.

With a good plan for the development of our core values, we can help eachother to achieve better results.

Ethical guidelines 01

X-Noise, as part of the Slåttland Group, shall be a safe workplace for all employees with a focus on dialogues and openness between all levels. Conflicts should be addressed as early as possible to avoid deep conflicts that are difficult to solve. You all have a responsibility, but the leaders have a special responsibility.

Ethical guidelines 02

All employees and others who come in contact with employees will be treated with respect regardless of position, religion, age, color, sex, language, political conviction, family status, sexual orientation, etc.

Ethical guidelines 03

No employees shall, in their work, let themselves be pressured to accept benefits or other tokens of appreciation that may be construed or used by others to allege favoritism, discrimination, collusion, or similarly unacceptable practices.

Ethical guidelines 04

Employees or their family will not receive discounts or any other benefits with the purchase of goods or services from customers to X-noise.
This does not apply to gifts that are normal in the business industry as Christmas gifts and advertising items. Other gifts received as a result of the position in the X-noise will be delivered to the superior and used as a common good in the company. (Soldered to employees once a year).

Ethical guidelines 05

Neither the X-noise, companies in the group or the employees can give business-relations benefits beyond gifts for Christmas etc, and advertising items which are common in business.

Ethical guidelines 06

Representation should be held in a sober frame that emphasizes X-noise´s profile.

Ethical guidelines 07

X-noise and its employees shall in any event comply with the laws and regulations that apply at the relevant area. Violation of the rules shall be immediately reported to a superior. If the violation applies to the managment, the violation shall be notified to the Board.

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